Sunday, 21 December 2008

World War One U-Boat

I thought I would kick off one of my first posts by talking about a World War One U-Boat I found on Google Earth. This U-Boat is either UB122, U122 or U123 and sits on the mud flats of the Medway in Kent, England.

The U-Boat ended up in its location at the end of the first World War when it was sent to England with 25 others. It was either purposefully scuttled or accidently beached on its journey and is still in its resting place today due to its location being very isloated and dangerous to travel to.

I wrote a page on this U-Boat including further specifications on the possible U-Boats it could be. You can visit the page by clicking here.

Image Courtesy of Google Earth


  1. What is the Lat. & Long? Thanks.

  2. 51°25'49.85"N 000°37'55.24"E

    Google Map link:-'49.85%22N++++000%C2%B037'55.24%22E&sll=51.40303,0.62914&sspn=0.475045,1.272354&g=51%C2%B025'49.85%22N++++000%C2%B037'55.24%22E&ie=UTF8&ll=51.415107,0.628538&spn=0.059365,0.159044&t=h&z=14
